Explore one of 12 Colorado state designated creative districts, packed with galleries, museums, street sculptures and fountains, cafes and live music. View the Corridor and Public Art Map
The Pueblo Creative Corridor’s First Friday Art Walk festivities begin at 5 p.m. on the first Friday of every month with activities in each district. Visit the more than 35 art galleries, restaurants and businesses in the Creative Corridor. All activities associated with First Friday Art Walk are free.
Pueblo’s First Friday Art Walk provides more than paintings, photography, fiber arts, sculpture, glass and pottery. Many galleries and shops have special demonstrations of “live art activities.” There will be newly hung shows, refreshments, live music and entertainment. Visitors can create their own free walking art tour of a variety of locations by starting at one gallery, picking up a Creative Corridor Explorer’s Guide, and traveling on to another destination after mingling with the artists. The free guide is available in galleries and participating businesses and includes a plan of activities and a map.
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