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Hopscotch Bakery

333 S Union Ave, Pueblo, CO 81003WEBSITEView Website


Our next stop will be another Local and Woman Owned Business on Union Ave. in the Historic Shopping District, Hopscotch Bakery.

Hopscotch Bakery, has been open for close to 20 years in Pueblo and in 2020, owner Leslie, took over while carrying on many of the recipes which includes the Pueblo Chile Shortbread cookies.

Every morning, the crew starts there day with a group prayer to bless the community, business, and each other. After that it’s time to get their hands dirty and get to prepping and baking everything fresh for the day. The shortbread cookies are made with twist adding Pueblo Red Chile Powder, provided by local farmers. This allows the experience of the delicious cookies to be unique and unlike anything many have tried before. Popularity of these cookies especially have grown strong, and with the help of United Airline Member Clubs, the cookies have became available as far as Chicago, in the airline’s member lounges.

We recommend you try the Shortbread cookies for yourself, and trust us when we say your gonna want more than one!




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